Woman-owned Independent Bookstore | 307 South Barstow | Eau Claire, Wisconsin | Open Tuesday-Saturday from 10am-6pm | Shop in-person or online - Shipping and Local Pickup Available

Dotters Summer Reading Challenge!

What better way to celebrate the unofficial start of summer than to set some reading goals for the coming season? Have you been in a reading rut recently? Have you noticed some holes in your reading habits: a specific genre, diverse perspectives, the amount of time you spend reading?

The Dotters Summer Reading Challenge is the perfect opportunity to start working toward your reading goals. 

Personally, I struggle with poetry. I don't make time for it on my reading list. When I do, I find myself speeding through a collection in a day, seemingly to check off an arbitrary box. I don't force myself to slow down and enjoy each poem, each word. This summer, I'm challenging myself to always have a collection of poetry at hand. I'll keep reading all of the other books on my list, but I'll also make time for poetry - even if it's just a poem a day. Using the hashtag #dotterssummerreads, I'll keep you updated on my progress. 

Will you do the same?

Want to join me on my poetry journey? Great! Want to make time to read two books a month? You can do it! Do you feel like you don't read enough short story collections? Perfect! Want to challenge yourself to read more books written by women? Me too! Set a reading goal for yourself and join other people who love to read by tagging your photos on Instagram and Facebook with #dotterssummerreads. Don't use social media? Send an email to dottersbooks@gmail.com to share your progress toward your goal. 

As a bookstore, one of Dotters' main goals is to create community - a space where all kinds of people who like to read all kinds of books can come together and share their experiences. We hope you'll join us!