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GUEST POST: JUNE Dotters Daughters Pick by Francesca Geffre, Age 11

George by Alex Gino

“Trying to be a boy is really hard, Mom,” says George.

George is a girl. Although most people don’t know it yet. She is a typical kid and what she really wants is to be Charlotte in their class play Charlotte’s Web. All she has to do is:

  1. Convince her teacher she’s good enough to be Charlotte
  2. Stop those bullies from harassing her.

Kelly, her best friend, comes up with a CRAZY plan to help out, but are they daring enough to try it? Will George ever be who she is meant to be?  


George was the first book I read about a transgender person, and I loved it! It really showed me more about life and helped me understand what other kids might feel and experience. Alex Gino really showed me what life is like when you’re transgender. I read this book in less than two days. Then I read it again! So get a copy of George today.   

*** Other books about transgender kids I love:

  • Gracefully Grayson by: Ami Polonsky
  • Lily and Dunkin by: Donna Gephart