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Butter: A Novel of Food and Murder by Asako Yuzuki

Butter: A Novel of Food and Murder by Asako Yuzuki

Regular price $19.99 Sale

"[Asako] Yuzuki takes a thrilling look into female relationships, revealing the complex nature of modern-day social conventions pertaining to a woman's appearance and her place in the home, and enriching the proceedings with mouthwatering descriptions of food. Like the meals Yuzuki describes, this leaves the reader satiated." -- Publishers Weekly

"The novel cleverly intertwines paeans to the pleasures of eating with indictments of Japan's standards for women."

-- New Yorker

"The lure of Butter is the lure of butter: rich, salty and unctuous. . . . Butter is both an exploration of the life of an unusual femme fatale and a subtle polemic against the impossible beauty standards to which women are held."