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Dotters Blog

Anti-Racism Book Club Picks

Anti-Racism Book Club Picks
Over the past few weeks, many of us have been confronted, sometimes for the first time - true evidence of privilege - by the enduring legacy and ev...

Quarantine Reading List

Quarantine Reading List
Well, I can’t say that I anticipated that on April 14, 2020, we’d be quarantined inside in the midst of a strange three-day snowstorm that just doe...

Best Children's Books of 2019

Best Children's Books of 2019
We've come to the end of another wonderful year of children's books. Here is a list of my favorites. If I can make a suggestion - if you find yours...

Best Books of 2019

Best Books of 2019
Each year it gets more difficult to choose my favorite books. Narrowing it down to ten proved to be quite difficult, so you’ll find one book - an h...

JUNE & JULY Dotters Daughters Picks

JUNE & JULY Dotters Daughters Picks
I’ve got some great kids’ books to add to your summer stacks - two picture books (one of which has very special meaning to our family, and I'd like...

JUNE & JULY Dotters Picks

JUNE & JULY Dotters Picks
Somehow it is the middle of summer already; I feel like I’m holding onto the sunshine for dear life. Of course, with more sunshine comes more dayli...

MAY Dotters Daughters Picks

MAY Dotters Daughters Picks
It seems only fitting that my MAY children’s book picks are coming a little late this month. Our Dotters family has one new member, and he showed u...

MAY Dotters Picks

MAY Dotters Picks
I have some very exciting books to share with you this month. I read two of them a while ago, and they have been added to my list of favorites so f...

APRIL Dotters Picks

APRIL Dotters Picks
A lot of my reading these days consists of Advance Reader Copies - books that have yet to be released. It is a huge privilege to receive books befo...

APRIL Dotters Daughters Picks

APRIL Dotters Daughters Picks
I’ve got some great kids’ books for you this month: one to celebrate the things that make us different and the same; another to celebrate a week of...

MARCH Dotters Picks

MARCH Dotters Picks
I’ve got some great books to include in my March Reading Round-up, including one of my favorites so far this year. Women Talking by Miriam Toews I...

MARCH Dotters Daughters Pick

MARCH Dotters Daughters Pick
The Panda Problem by Deborah Underwood, illustrated by Hannah Marks If you’ve been looking for a picture book that appeals to children of all...