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Dotters Blog

FEBRUARY Dotters Daughters Picks

FEBRUARY Dotters Daughters Picks
February was Black History Month, so two of my Children's Book discoveries for the month celebrate African American history in the United States. R...

FEBRUARY Dotters Picks

FEBRUARY Dotters Picks
March is here and with it comes my reading round-up for February (and hopefully some warmer weather). I hope you're all enjoying the excuse to hibe...

JANUARY Dotters Daughters Picks

JANUARY Dotters Daughters Picks
As I mentioned in our Dotters Pick blog, in 2019 I’m hoping to use our blog to feature a few books each month instead of just one. On our Dotters D...

JANUARY Dotters Picks

JANUARY Dotters Picks
In 2019, I’d like to do our Dotters Picks a little differently. Instead of featuring one book a month, I’ll highlight a few of my favorite book dis...

Best Books of 2018

Best Books of 2018
Best Books of 2018 For me, 2018 has been an exceptional reading year. Each book on the forthcoming list is one that stood out in a year full of boo...

Best Children's Books of 2018

Best Children's Books of 2018
Another year of wonderful children’s book discoveries has me thinking about all of the things you can learn from a children’s book: inclusion, conf...

2018 Dotters Book Club Reading Guide

2018 Dotters Book Club Reading Guide
As 2018 comes to a close, we’re feeling thankful for everyone that has been involved in our Book Club. In that spirit, we’re recommending books for...

NOVEMBER Dotters Pick

NOVEMBER Dotters Pick
Like a Mother: A Feminist Journey through the Science and Culture of Pregnancy by Angela Garbes If you are pregnant, a mother, daughter, son, fath...

SEPTEMBER Dotters Daughters Pick

SEPTEMBER Dotters Daughters Pick
Darius the Great is Not Okay by Adib Khorram Darius Grover Kellner has never been to Iran. He has never met his Mamou and Babou, his mot...


The women behind Gitchi Adventure Goods have been hard at work creating a line of products dedicated to celebrating nature - in all of its female g...

JUNE Dotters Daughters Pick - Author Q&A with Ann Hood

JUNE Dotters Daughters Pick - Author Q&A with Ann Hood
She Loves You (Yeah, Yeah, Yeah) by Ann Hood   As thoughts turn to outdoor concerts and music festivals, Ann Hood’s She Loves You (Yeah, Yeah...

GUEST POST: JUNE Dotters Daughters Pick by Francesca Geffre, Age 11

GUEST POST: JUNE Dotters Daughters Pick by Francesca Geffre, Age 11
George by Alex Gino “Trying to be a boy is really hard, Mom,” says George. George is a girl. Although most people don’t know it yet. She is a ty...